Chairman Nilu Ahasan-2023

Message From Chairman

I extend my warmest welcome, to all of you, to this joyous occasion of Publication of the website of (RCNC) Rangpur Community Nursing College the College of Nursing. As I have been entrusted, with this interim responsibility of looking after, the College of Nursing by the Governing Body authorities. I have the privilege to be amidst another fraternity of health care delivery system. I stand here amidst the luminaries of medical education of RANGPUR GROUP as well as some eminent persons of nursing education to present the milestones of this nursing college and highlight its achievements. It would be proper to introduce RANGPUR GROUP, the parent institute that established the College of Nursing under its umbrella to enlighten mass community of Northern region of Bangladesh as well as home and abroad. Being the Chairman of the organization I treat every single of student as my own Child and care to arrange best of the best for them in every aspect. With the kind and sincere efforts from all our team of teachers and staffs the students are to get well educated with proper mannerism and love for patents and all mankind. I wish them every success in life. May our LORD grant them happiness, peace and prosperity.
Thank you all.

Nilu Ahasan
Rangpur Community Nursing College
Rangpur Group